The population of Wabbaseka is 255, according to the 2010 Census. The city is part of the Pine Bluff, Arkansas, Metropolitan Statistical Area. The city has a total area of 0.4 square miles (1.0 km2).
The median household income in Wabbaseka City is $19,875. The area's economy is largely dependent on agriculture. This industry employs 15.1% of the city's population. The area's poverty rate is 3.6%, which is higher than the national average. For a complete breakdown of the local economy, click here. Also, check out the poverty rate in Wabbaseka.
The median price of real estate in Wabbaseka / Tucker is $92,607, which is lower than the average for all U.S. neighborhoods. However, many homes are vacant, seasonally vacant, or empty for a part of the year. The area's vacancy rate is 38.1%, which is higher than the national average of 96.8%. Meanwhile, 3.0% of its population lives in correctional facilities.