Alpine Meadows, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In Alpine Meadows, California, you can find 609 people of various races. Of that population, 0.0% identify as Black, 6.2% identify as Hispanic or Latino, and 0.0% are American Indians or Alaska Native. The majority of the residents of Alpine Meadows are white. Of the rest, 0.0% identify as other races, while 1.0% are of two or more races. If you're interested in learning more about the population of Alpine Meadows, CA, you'll want to read more about its race and ethnicities.

The first census of Alpine was taken in 1850, and the community began building its first homes in that year. During that first winter, residents tended to live in wagons and dugouts in the side of the knoll. The walls were around seven feet high. In the 1880s, the population grew to approximately 500 residents. By 1850, Alpine had about 650 acres of land, and settlers began to settle in the area.

The Alpine community had 40 families by 1857. They held church services in the home of James Healey. By 1863, the Alpine residents decided to build a new meeting house. The building was dedicated by President Brigham Young and became the center for all public gatherings. In the 1860 census, Alpine had 135 people. That is a fairly small population for a city in the mountains, but the community has grown considerably since then.