Atascadero, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In Atascadero, CA, the most common racial and ethnic groups are White, Hispanic, and Other. The following chart shows the percentage of residents in each category. The corresponding percentages for the other categories can be compared to those of the neighboring states. If you are interested in knowing more about the people of Atascadero, CA, you can read our demographics guide.

In Atascadero, CA, the median property value was $493,200, 2.05 times the national average. The median age of the population is 38.7 years. In the same year, the median property value increased from $471,900 to $493,200. Atascadero, CA residents own their homes and have a homeownership rate of 62.9%. The median home value is $493,200 and the number of households with more than one car is 2.