Ballico, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When purchasing a billboard for your business in the Ballico City, California area, you should consider the economic characteristics of the community. The median housing value is $545,000, and the average household size is 3.25. Ballico has a low unemployment rate, with one person out of every two households earning less than $50,000. Ballico's population is expected to increase 6.1% over the next decade, with only one person in every 50 years experiencing poverty.

Listed below are the population and steets by major region. For example, Ballico CDP California has a higher percentage of Northern European-born individuals than the average city. The area also ranks #6 in the nation for its proportion of Northern European-born residents. While this may not seem like much, it's still an important statistic to know. With these numbers, you can make educated decisions about where you want to live.

Demographics in Ballico include immigrant status and country of origin. The population density is 134.3/square mile (51.9/km2). In the 2010 U.S. Census, the city's population was 406, with a percentage of people who were born in the US being 34. The median household size was 3.0, compared to 2.6 in the rest of the country. And while there are many factors that go into the racial makeup of a community, Ballico is not uncommon.

While crime rates may seem high in some areas, this can be a misleading indicator. Crime rates in Ballico City are higher around parks and airports than in other areas of the city. That's because fewer residents live near parks and recreational areas. Nevertheless, crime rates may appear higher because people are less likely to be in an area where crime is likely to occur. If you live in Ballico, it's a good idea to explore the area surrounding the city.