Brawley, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are many interesting facts about Brawley City. First of all, this city has one ZIP Code: 92227. The ZIP code is one of the most commonly used in the United States, and has a single default name. You can use the ZIP code to find out more information about the city. For example, you can look up the population of Brawley by its average Sale-to-List Price Ratio, which will be affected by the number of children living in the home.

The California Department of Motor Vehicles has an office in Brawley, California. The office has a M1 school district. Brawley is served by Mulberry Elementary, which is part of the M1 school district. The office is located at 1170 N. Brawley Ave., Brawley, CA 92227. For more information, check out the official city website. You can also find the official phone number of the office in Brawley by typing in its address: 123 Main St.

The zoning for the city is single-family, with several multi-family parcels scattered throughout. Some of the city's commercial properties are located on the edge of the single-family zone. The city's most densely populated areas are on the west side of Northside Drive, while the southern edge is primarily single-family. For businesses, this zone has many office buildings.