Cabazon, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population and steets in Cabazon City, CA are available from the Census Bureau. The city is home to approximately 2,27k people. Over 86% of the population is U.S. citizens, and 15.5% is foreign-born. The most common race in the city is White (Non-Hispanic), with Other (Hispanic) making up the next most common race.

The most common language spoken in Cabazon is English. Other important languages include Spanish and Miao/Hmong. The median property value is $181,500. The homeownership rate is 62.7%, which is lower than the national average. Most people commute alone, and the average commute time is 34.6 minutes. Cabazon residents own an average of 3 cars.

The median household income in Cabazon City is $44,615, which is lower than the U.S. average of $64,427. There is a low percentage of college graduates in Cabazon, with only 8.13% of residents having a four-year degree. Cabazon's per capita income is $22,315, which puts it in the lower middle class compared to the national average. However, a family of four can still make a decent living in Cabazon.

Cabazon was first established as a settlement in the 1870s when the Southern Pacific Railroad built a railroad station there. Originally named Jacinto, the community was renamed after an Indian rancheria. The Indian name, Cabezone, was derived from the local chief of the Cahuilla tribe during the colonial period. Later on, a workers' camp was built here, which included a hotel. The Southern Pacific Railroad later shifted its facilities and left the area for a new location. The first subdivisions in Cabazon were laid out in 1880 by the Scottish-owned Cabazon Land and Water Company, which established a fruit farm. Some lots were sold, while others were later repurchased.