Calabasas Hills, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets of Calabasas Hills City? This article will explore that question and provide you with the stats and information that will help you make an informed decision on whether this city is right for you. In addition to a quick overview of the city's population and demographics, it will give you an idea of what you can expect from living in Calabasas.

The population of Calabasas Hills City is 23,688 people and is growing by 6.5% every year. The median home price is $1,462,900. The population density is based on the number of people per square mile and the area of the city. The area's four schools are named after their national flags and the city has a small population of Latinos.

There are various income thresholds for families in Calabasas Hills City. The median household income is $125,814. This is considerably lower than the national poverty rate of 12.3%. The largest demographic living in Calabasas is White, followed by Two Or More and Hispanics. Approximately one-third of Calabasas residents are employed in the Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services sector.

In 2007, the median household income for residents of Calabasas Hills City was $104,935 and $122,482, with a male median income of $87,049 and a female median income of $46,403 in 2007. The population's median age was 38 years old, with only 6.7% being 65 and over. The median household size was 3.11.