Capo Beach, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Want to know more about the population of Capo Beach? Read on! Here you'll find the population, as well as its history, stats, and more. We've also included the number of commuters who live in the city. The city is home to approximately 2,309 people who either drive their own car or take a bus or trolley. The median age is forty, and the gender ratio is 98.4 males for every 100 females.

The 2010 Census data provides the population of Capo Beach City. Of the 16,702 households, 14,456 were headed by a married couple, with 51.4% being headed by two people. Eighteen percent of households were non-families. Twenty-six percent of households were comprised of single people, with another 7.1% being headed by senior citizens living alone. Statistically, the city has a family size of 2.86 people, with an average of two adults living in each household.

Among the cities nearby are San Clemente, Santa Barbara, and Orange County. All are within a twenty-one-mile radius of Capo Beach City. A few of these cities are useful for traveling to the city from Capo Beach. You can also find flights between those cities and Capistrano Beach, CA. If you'd like to explore the town, you can also find smaller towns and cities within 100 miles of the city.