Cedar Ridge, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to learn about the Population & Steets of Cedar Ridge City? Then you've come to the right place! Read on for vital information on this growing city. Listed below is a summary of the demographic information in the city. These statistics were compiled from the 2020 American Community Survey, and are subject to change. Disclaimer: The information in this table is for informational purposes only.

In Cedar Ridge, 16.8% of the population has never been married. About a third of American citizens are under the age of 15. The population of 18-year-old civilians is made up of 13.1% of veterans. In California, veterans make up about 5.4% of civilians. That percentage is much lower than in many other states. For more information on the City of Cedar Ridge, visit its official website.

The Cedar City's strategic economic development plan focuses on four key clusters: light industrial manufacturing, renewable energy, small businesses, and tourism. A general plan can outline these and other priorities to guide future growth. The city has also drafted a detailed transportation plan, which will include future road construction and other improvements. During the next planning process, residents will be asked to provide input on potential changes to the general plan.

Throughout history, Cedar City has relied on agriculture and mining for its economy. However, the city has evolved into a center for business, education, and healthcare. It is now diversified into a number of non-tourism-related industries, including manufacturing, distribution, and trade. Its diverse economy is reflected in a wide range of jobs in the private sector. The City's economic development strategy should also address the needs of its residents and attract new residents to the area.