Clearlake, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're planning to visit Clear Lake City, Texas, you'll want to find out what cities are close by. There are plenty of great options for day trips or weekend adventures. To get a general idea of what area is close to Clear Lake City, you can search for cities within 100 miles, 50 miles, or 30 miles. You can also use the Internet to research local attractions and see what they have to offer.

According to the 2010 census, Clearlake City had a population of 13,142. This number includes 553 households and 3,313 families. The median age of the population was 44.2 years. The city was made up of nearly half single adults and half families, making it a family-friendly place to live. Nearly 44% of the city's roads are unpaved. The median household size was 2.35 people and there were 93 households with two adults and a child.

In terms of race, Clearlake has a diverse population. The majority of its residents are White. There are also 2.81k Hispanics. The remaining population is made up of Other races. Clearlake is an ethnically diverse city, with approximately 28.8% of the population being Hispanic or Latino. Clearlake is one of the fastest growing cities in California. Currently, there are several small businesses and residential areas that are home to diverse populations.