Coarsegold, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're considering marketing your business in Coarsegold City, California, you need to know the population and the racial & ethnic groups of this area. In the census, 99.8% of the people living in the Coarsegold city limits are white, and just 0.3% are black or Hispanic. You can also determine the median household income in Coarsegold, which is $58,178 for males and $73,370 for females. And if you're wondering whether or not the people in the area are well-educated, you can consider the 74% high school graduation rate.

One way to determine if Coarsegold is a safe neighborhood is to look at its livability score. The overall livability rating is based on the weighted average of a variety of variables, such as crime rates, education, cost of living, and overall happiness of residents. These factors are weighed by advanced statistical models and compiled by the U.S. Census Bureau.

The population of Coarsegold city is made up primarily of middle-aged adults, with a median age of 53. A typical family is made up of three members. It ranks 11049 nationally, and 603 in the state in terms of diversity. And the percentage of foreign-born residents in Coarsegold city is 3.9%, which is only slightly lower than that of Oakhurst city, which is 2.6 times larger and has three times the number of foreign-born residents.

There are 4,716 households in Coarsegold, California. The median home value is $380,727. The average household size is 2.57. The estimated population is expected to grow 14.5% by 2040. The ratio of males to females in Coarsegold city is 0.98. This is the ideal ratio for raising a family. However, you should be aware of the number of non-Hispanic residents living in Coarsegold.