Comptche, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're curious about Comptche City, you can find out the population and steets statistics by clicking here. Although the murder rate in Comptche City is low, it might be higher in certain areas than in others. It may be easy to assume that the southwest neighborhood is safer than the northeast neighborhood, but this simply isn't true. Crime occurs everywhere, including in the southeast.

There are 104 cities within 104 miles of Comptche, CA. Each city's population and steets statistics are estimated, but are not a guarantee. Be sure to double-check your information. The statistics listed here are provided for informational purposes only. If you're a resident of Comptche, you may want to consider visiting one of these nearby cities.

The most common race living below the poverty line in Comptche, CA is White. The median household income is $37,788. The number of people who earn less than this is alarming. Fortunately, Comptche, CA is an increasingly prosperous city. While 14.3% of the population lives below the federal poverty line, the median income for people in Comptche is $37,788.