Cromberg, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are planning a trip to Cromberg, CA, you might want to know the Population & Steets of the city. A city map will provide you with the population and crime rates for the area. The crime map for Cromberg City closely resembles the crime maps in the other cities in California, and it provides a simple count of crimes per thousand residents. Since Cromberg has few retail establishments, many crimes occur in blocks where there are few residents. Crime rate maps do not necessarily indicate whether the area is safe for residents, and red areas do not always mean crime is prevalent.

The most common racial group living below the poverty line is White, followed by Black, and Native American. The poverty rate is 0.00% for full-time employees, 0.00% for part-time employees, and 0% for the unemployed. Cromberg's poverty rate is 0.00% for non-citizens, including legal residents, temporary workers, and immigrants.

The median household income for Cromberg, CA is $55,669. This is a slightly higher rate than in nearby cities Alta and Milford, but the overall rate is lower. However, Cromberg does not have an abundance of public transportation, and its residents may want to consider taking public transit. If you have a car, it might be a good option for you to take it for a spin.