Desert Center, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How many people live in Desert Center City, California? Did you know that there are only 216 people living here? The median age is 70.6 and the average household income is $32,292. As for the ethnic composition of this city, the majority of the residents are White (Non-Hispanic), followed by Two+ and Other (Hispanic). The percentage of households that speak a language other than English is 0%.

According to the 2010 Census, there were 203 people living in households in Desert Center City, or 99.5% of the total population. Of this population, 1 person lived in a non-institutional group quarter, and 0 lived in a family unit. The median age was 47.5 years, with a male to female ratio of 106.1. The percentage of residents with a bachelor's degree or higher was also higher than the state average.

This small town is primarily supported by tourism, but it also has several agricultural farms, mobile homes, and the Lake Tamarisk community. The town has its own airport, which operated as a public airport until 1992. Today, the airport is privately owned. Its location has changed drastically over the years. Despite this, it still plays a vital role in the community's economy. If you are considering relocating to this area, it's a great place to do so.