Dos Rios, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're planning on advertising in Dos Rios, California, you might want to know more about the area's population. Here are the demographics for this city. The population of Dos Rios is approximately 79,368. There are approximately 7.1% Hispanics living here. You can use these statistics to target your ads. In addition, the median household income is $30,000, and the average household income is $42,361. The high school graduation rate is 58%.

There are several attractions in this area. The Mercado Municipal is a great place to purchase local produce. You can also visit the Valdivian Night. This street festival began as a protest against the Spanish authorities, and now features a huge artisan market, fairground rides, and a theater. While there are a lot of attractions in the area, the city is also rich in architectural and cultural heritage.

Despite the city's low-income rate, the area's population is higher than average. This is partially due to the low education levels, which can be offset by the higher rates of college graduation. The area's low income level makes it a desirable place to live. The economy of Dos Rios is relatively stable, and many residents are still able to find work in the area.