Duncans Mills, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You've come to the right place if you are wondering what the Population & Steets in DuncanS Mills City are like. There are plenty of interesting facts about this city that you might be interested in learning about. Let's take a look. Here's a quick look at the area's demographics. First, you should know that Duncans Mills is located within Ocean Township. It's the largest city in Ocean Township and home to many businesses. You can find a meat market, a blacksmith's shop, a shoe shop, a livery and stage stable, and even a notion store.

The crime rate in Duncans Mills is relatively low compared to the surrounding area. It's just one out of every two hundred and seventy-five percentile, which makes it slightly more dangerous than the rest of the city. Burglary rates in Duncans Mills City are 5.55 per thousand people in a year, which is slightly higher than the national average. However, the south section of the city is considered to be the safest in terms of burglary.

The population of Duncans Mills is approximately 175 people. This is comprised of 42 family households, 31 non-family households, and two-person households. The median age is 47, which is higher than the national median of 38. The median age of a person in Duncans Mills is 47. It's higher than the national average of 38.1, which is three years younger.