El Granada, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of El Granada City, CA is estimated to be 3.3k. About 25 percent of the residents are families with children, while 19 percent are single male or female families. The city is also home to a high percentage of married couples. The median household income in El Granada, CA is $127,583, which is higher than the national average. The homeownership rate is 86.2%, and 54% of the adult population in El Granada is educated. The median household income is $127,583, and it is largely higher in some neighborhoods than others.

The population of El Granada City is comprised of both citizens and non-citizens. A majority of the residents are citizens of the United States, and the city has a large number of Vietnamese veterans. The percentage of US citizens living in El Granada is 95.9%, higher than the state's average.

El Granada, CA is a city in the Central Valley region of California. The population is made up of about six hundred fifty-two people, with a median age of 49. One-fifth of the population was born abroad. El Granada's majority of residents are white (non-Hispanic), followed by Black and Hispanic. The other major ethnic group is Asian (non-Hispanic).

The Census Bureau of the United States has recently released demographic data for the city of El Granada. The data includes information about home values, household income, and the percentage of households that are owned or rented.