Elk, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the population of Elk City? Elk City, Oklahoma is located in Beckham County, Oklahoma. According to the 2010 Census, the population of Elk City was 11,693 people. It is a mid-sized city located on Interstate 40, which connects it with the rest of the state, and Historic U.S. Route 66. Elk City is approximately 110 miles west of Oklahoma City and 150 miles east of Amarillo.

In terms of size, Elk City is approximately three-fourths the size of Oklahoma. The population is also about seven percent higher than the state average, making it one of the most populous cities in the state. The city's population has been growing steadily since the 1980s, according to census data. However, the city's population is lower than its neighbor, Foss, which is 3.2 times larger.

When considering race and ethnicity, the city's population is diverse. While most of the residents are white, a large percentage of its population is Hispanic. In fact, the population of Hispanics is second only to Hammon. Native people make up a mere 5.6% of the overall population. And the population of Native Americans is a relatively small group, with only seven people in the city.

The median household income in Elk City, OK is $52,404. In comparison to other ZIP codes, it has a much lower percentage of people with a bachelor's degree. However, this does not mean that Elk City is a poor town. Elk City is part of the Merrittt School District. There are eight different elementary schools in the area. You can learn more about the school district and population in the city by visiting the local government's website.