Are you looking for Population & Steets in Esparo City? The population of this town is made up of mainly young adults in their 20s and 30s. The median age in Esparto is 33 years old and the average family consists of 4.1 members. The demographics of Esparto are very diverse, but the city ranks below the national average. You may be surprised to learn that there are several Hispanic residents.
The Esparto City population has steadily declined over the last five years. Several factors contribute to this trend, ranging from a single critical event to long-term demographic patterns. In short, low birth rates and other factors may cause residents to leave a community. Also, a low demand for basic services will result in further population decline. Ultimately, the goal is to preserve and increase the quality of life for those who reside in Esparto.
Although the population of Esparto is a declining trend, the area still has a significant need for affordable housing. The community needs a range of housing prices and types, so it is important to find a mix of housing types. The new development must also be in character with the rest of the town. It should be in close proximity to the town's public space. The town's demographics will affect the type and price of housing Esparto can offer.
While the population of Esparto City is not particularly high, it is far lower than the national average. The median household income in Esparto is $66,118, according to the US CENSUS BUREAU. The city has an average poverty rate of 7.11%. A higher percentage of people living in poverty can make it difficult to live in a small town. However, with the right housing and economic strategy, a low poverty rate is possible.