Granite Bay, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article provides a quick overview of the Population & Steets in Granite Base, California. It is not a complete list of all Granite Bay residents, but it will give you a good idea of the most commonly known demographics for the city. The population of Granite Bay is about 22,840 people. The majority of residents are white, while the minority includes Asian, Black, and Hispanic people. The median household income in Granite Bay is $119,000, and the area is considered to be affluent. Its crime rate is also very low, compared to other areas in California and the nation.

The city of Granite Bay is located in Placer County, California. Its population is estimated to reach 21,415 by the year 2020. The city is an unincorporated municipality, with the Placer County Board of Supervisors as its local governing body. The city has a municipal advisory council that provides input to the county board. The city has a long history, dating back to the 1850s when gold miners settled the banks of the American River. There were as many as 37 gold mining settlements located in the city.

The median household income in Granite Bay is $119,700. The city has a well-educated population, with 57.4% of residents earning at least a Bachelor's degree. Employment growth in Granite Bay is relatively strong, with a job growth rate of 36.7% over the next decade, higher than the national average. Its top three industries are healthcare, professional services, and manufacturing. Twenty-one percent of residents earn at least $16,000 per year.