Grover Beach, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is a look at the Population & Steets in Grovebo Beach City. While the majority of residents in Grover Beach are Caucasian, the city does have a significant Hispanic and Asian community. The gender ratio is skewed toward men, but still falls within the national average. Grover Beach is home to approximately 6.82k people. The city's top industries include finance & insurance, public administration, and utilities.

Those living in Grover Beach can expect to pay a high price for their home. The average home in Grover Beach costs $493,700, which is nearly 40% higher than the national average. Grocery prices, transportation, and utilities are also much higher than the national average. Rental prices in the area are also very high, making them an especially expensive place to live in. The City of Grover Beach's crime rate is lower than the national average.

The median age of Grover Beach city residents was 37.2 years old in 2019. This age was higher for foreign-born citizens than for native-born residents. The median age for native-born residents in Grover Beach was 36, while that of foreign-born citizens was 39. The city also hosts a weekly summer concert series, and the white sandy beaches are one of the main attractions. Residents can also enjoy the oceanfront and the city's only drivable beach.

The median household income for residents of Grover Beach, CA is $1,054 per person, excluding those in the lowest-earning 1%. The median household income is $59,397. The median racial or ethnic group living in Grover Beach, CA is $49,590. If you want to know how much money residents of Grover Beach, CA make, check out the data below.