Hopland, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Hopland, California has a population of approximately 75% white residents and 0.5% black or Asian residents. Its median household income is $43,456 and its average household size is $61,987. Almost 61% of residents have a high school degree. While it is not possible to tell the number of people living below the poverty line in Hopland, California, there are some statistics that can help you understand the current situation in the city.

Hopland is a place where people go to find work. It has a median annual income of $41,595, which is less than the $65,712 national average. There are about 363 people employed in Hopland, CA. The largest industries in the city are Construction, Health Care & Social Assistance, and Retail Trade. The highest paying industries in Hopland are Educational Services, Health Care & Social Assistance, and Manufacturing.

The median rent in Hopland City was $852 per month in 2010, which is lower than the median rent in California and nearby cities such as Laytonville. However, neighboring cities, Laytonville and Stonyford, had lower rent burdens. According to the Census, 65.8% of the population of Hopland is renter-occupied. The city also has low eviction rates, with just one in the past year.

The median property value in Hopland, CA is $408,300. This is slightly higher than the national average. The median home value in Hopland, CA increased by 21.5% between 2018 and 2019. There are about 51 percent of homeowners in the city, which is lower than the national average of 64.1%. The median car ownership in Hopland is about equal to the national average. There are approximately 700 residents per square mile, which is larger than the national average.