La Palma, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the Population & Steets in La Palmera City, then you are in the right place. The following article will help you find out more information about this place. The data provided will be useful for planning your visit and exploring the local area. Alternatively, you can also find out the population and other statistics of La Palma City, CA. Listed below are the population statistics and other details of La Palma City.

The city of La Palma has a population of 15,568 as of the 2010 census. This city is known for its family-friendly environment and top-rated schools. It was incorporated in 1955 and was ranked 31st in the best small cities in the United States. In terms of income, La Palma residents are mostly White and Asian, with the rest of the population being Hispanic or African American.

The median age of all people in La Palma, CA was 43.7. This includes both native-born citizens and those who were born in different countries. The median age of La Palma residents was 43 years old in 2018, so if you're wondering what is the median age, it is probably higher than that. Those who were born in other countries were most likely to be Mexican and Filipino, while China had 667,994 residents.

Statistics of the population and steets in La Palma City can help you make an informed decision about a place to live. The US Census Bureau, in particular, provides data about the local area. The city's population is estimated to be 15,657 in 2020. Despite this, the population is not that large compared to the surrounding area. The La Palma Police Department provides law enforcement services.