The Lake Arrowhead City population is reported by the U.S. Census Bureau. These figures are recalculated after taking into account significant changes in the population over time. You can find a map of Lake Arrowhead's race and ethnicity on this page. In addition to maps of race, you can find data on Lake Arrowhead's diversity score and ethnicity. This page is intended to be a quick resource for anyone looking to learn more about this city.
The percentage of property crime in Lake Arrowhead City is ranked by the types of crimes committed. A high rate of owner-occupation indicates stability. Nevertheless, crime may be more prevalent in areas with high retail establishments. If you're interested in purchasing a home in Lake Arrowhead, be aware that the area may not have many rental options. This does not mean that the area is unsafe, but it does suggest that you're in the right place.
The census also shows that there are 12,389 people living in households in the city. Of these people, 99.7% of households were family units. Those who were not married or had a non-husband were 8.9% of the total population. Single-person households made up the rest of the population, accounting for 18.7% of households and 6.0% of them were elderly. The median household size in Lake Arrowhead City is 2.8 people, with a family size of 3.