Magalia, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for Population & Steets in Magali, Georgia? Have you ever wondered how much people in Magalia earn? This article is for you! We've compiled the most recent Magalia City data to make your research easy. The map below shows Magalia's population, as well as its race and ethnicity. Find out what percentage of the population is white and how many people are African American.

For people interested in exploring the area, these lists include major cities near Magalia, CA. You can use them to book flights or make a road trip! These lists are also useful for finding hotels near Magalia, CA. Once you've located the area's population, you can choose flights from nearby cities. You can also search for flights to nearby towns, if necessary. The map also contains major cities that are closer to Magalia than the smaller ones.

The ZIP Code for Magalia, CA is 95954. It is located primarily in Butte County. The city is known as MAGALIA in the USPS. This ZIP code is a default name and the city has been listed as Magalia since at least 1870. The estimated population in 2020 is 4,5679. Check out the school page to find out which schools are in Magalia.