Merced, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Before moving to a new city, it's helpful to gather as much data about Merced as possible. This information can help you make an informed decision about your future move. Population, crime, schooling, and housing statistics are available, as is information on comparisons with California and national averages. Here are some quick facts about Merced, California. We hope you find these statistics helpful.

The median age of Merced City, CA was 29.4. Of this total population, 23% of residents were foreign-born and 42. Merced has a relatively low percentage of non-citizens. Non-citizens in Merced, CA are generally between the ages of 18 and thirty-four. The median age for non-citizens was highest in the McSwain CDP, which includes many immigrants.

Merced County is home to a modern community college and the University of California, Merced. The university is the first research university in the United States to be built in the 21st century, and has developed a remarkably collaborative educational system. Merced's higher education system provides a high level of cultural influence for the entire county. Merced City is home to a post office and a website for Merced County government.

The city's population is comprised of mainly white residents. A large percentage of households consists of young adults, with forty-seven percent being under the age of eighteen. A large number of households includes married couples, but 18.2% are non-families. A smaller percentage of households consists of individuals. The city also has a relatively low rate of vacancies, despite its aging population. The area has a high percentage of nursing homes and correctional facilities and a university in the vicinity.