Mountain Ranch, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know how the population and the steets of the Mountain Ranch City are, you need to know some statistics. To begin, you'll need to know the zip code of Mountain Ranch. You can find out by entering your address into the search field on this page. You can also use this information to copy mail. If you have moved to the city, you can find out how many people live in Mountain Ranch.

There are many reasons to check out the population and steets of Mountain Ranch, California. For one, you can find out the median household income in the area of $36,994. Mountain Ranch's poverty rate is below the national average, and is lower than the state average. If you're worried about your safety or the safety of your loved ones, you can check the statistics of the area.

The demographics of Mountain Ranch are based on the United States census data for 2010. Its population has decreased by about twenty-five percent since 2020. The median home value is $362,500, and home appreciation has increased 5.7% over the last decade. Most residents commute by car or train. In addition, the city has some neighborhoods that are walkable. A good portion of the population lives in homes, and many prefer to own their own home than rent.

Another notable demographic for Mountain Ranch is the low rate of poverty. The city also has a low rate of unemployment, with the poverty rate of just under ten percent. This means that there are plenty of places to live in Mountain Ranch. The area is safe, and the crime rate is low. While it has a low poverty rate, it does have some low-income neighborhoods. Nonetheless, the city has some affordable options for families.