North Fork, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You might be wondering what is the population and settets of North Fork City. To answer your question, you can go to our Population and Steets in North Fork City page. We've collected data from various sources to help you make a decision. For example, a map of North Fork shows the violent crime rate per 1,000 residents. We've calculated the rate by weighting the type of crime and the severity of the offense. A grade of C+ means North Fork is safest, with a rate of violent crime that is about the same as the national average. This means that North Fork is in the 48th percentile for safety, which means that it's safer than five-hundredths of cities and only four percent as dangerous as North Fork.

There is no official census for North Fork City, but there are several resources that provide demographic data on the area. Data from the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey is one source for population statistics. This data is updated every year and whenever new data is released, so be sure to check back frequently to stay updated on changes in population. While you're at it, take note that these data are not perfect.

The city of North Fork is located near the Sierra Vista Scenic Byway and is home to the Sierra Mono Museum. Besides being an excellent starting point for this scenic byway, the town also has a grocery store, gas station, and two restaurants. North Fork was originally called Brown's but was renamed to reflect its lumber mill, which operated for many years. The lumber mill closed in 1996, affecting the community's economy.