Rough And Ready, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In 2019, the population of Rough and Ready, CA is 499 people. The median age is 67.5. The median household income is N/A. The median property value is $292,300. The homeownership rate is 75.2%. The median number of cars per household is four. Residents of Rough and Ready, CA own their homes. Compared to other cities, Rough and Ready has a higher car ownership rate than the national average.

The population of Rough and Ready, CA is comprised of primarily white residents. There are 52 White (Hispanic) residents, and 0 Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) residents. The unemployment rate is -41%. The median income is $35,000 per year. Residents are largely employed in the health care field. However, employment is declining in Rough and Ready.

The wealth of Rough and Ready residents is quite similar to that of the rest of the United States. 0% of Rough and Ready residents have super commutes that are more than 90 minutes. The average commute time in Rough and Ready, CA is also similar to the national average. There are 0% of Rough and Ready residents with no health insurance. Only 6.41% of Rough and Ready residents have employer-sponsored health insurance. Twenty-three percent of Rough and Ready residents carpool or are covered by Medicare or Medicaid.