Have you been wondering about the Population & Steets in Rowleton City? Well, if so, you've come to the right place! Here you will find out more about this city in Texas. First of all, the population is 8.2% smaller than the state average. You'll find the population breakdown in Figure 11 below. You'll also find the city's schedules.
The population of Rowlett City was only around five hundred in 1971, but it grew to more than six thousand by the year 2000. In fact, there were over 38,000 people living in Rowlett City as of 2016.
The most common demographic in Rowlett City is a married couple. The percent of households headed by a couple is 39%, which is on the low end. The highest percentage of married couples is in Murphy, with a ninety-two percent percentage. The percentage of single people in Rowlett is much lower than the average for the greater Rowlett area. And, while the population of Rowlett is small, it still boasts a lot of family-friendly features.
The percentage of non-citizens in Rowlett is low compared to other cities in Texas, with only 2.4% of residents belonging to non-citizen groups. In addition to this, the median age in Rowlett is 41.1, compared to the median age of 49.4 in Sachse. And with a high median age, it is not surprising to find that the population of Rowlett is growing.