Sawyers Bar, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that Sawyers Bar, California is unincorporated? This small town on the North Fork of the Salmon River is not to be confused with Lawyers Bar, a city in neighboring Del Norte County. Here are the population and steets for Sawyers Bar, California. In addition, find out how to contact Sawyers Bar city officials. This will allow you to plan your trip accordingly.

The only business in Sawyers Bar is McBroom & Co. Packers & Guides. This family business began more than 175 years ago, when Captain Best led the first prospecting party into the wilderness area. McBrooms provided a pack service, pack animals, and mountain trail guides. Today, this family-owned business is still in business, and you can recognize the McBrooms by their horses grazing in the middle of the road.

Although there are very few residents in Sawyers Bar, crime rates are relatively low. The most dangerous areas are those near parks or major airports. Crime rates in these areas are likely to be higher than those elsewhere, even in a safe city. However, crime happens everywhere, so you can never be too safe. And if you're a resident of Sawyers Bar, make sure to check out our crime map.

The population and steets of Sawyers Bar City are estimated at 200. The town is a hub for other mining settlements. The Etna Summit road was built in 1892 and completed in 1899, making it easy to travel to other mining locations. Its first blacksmith, Dan Davis, sharpened picks on a huge rock, charging $1 per point.