Shaver Lake, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for the population and steets of Shaver Lake City, California, you have come to the right place. Here, you'll discover all you need to know about this city. The following is a quick overview of the city's population and steets. The data below may be confusing, but don't worry - we've provided links to the most current, accurate, and complete census information for the area.

In 2019, the population of Shaver Lake City, CA was 473, with a median age of 62.2. The median property value was $491,200, up from $473,700 the previous year. The homeownership rate was 88.7%, which is above the national average of 64.1%. Residents of Shaver Lake, CA commute by car, on average, 23 minutes per day. The average car ownership rate is two cars per household.

The median age for all residents of Shaver Lake, CA was 62.2. The median age for native-born residents was 62, while for foreign-born residents, it was 75.5%. In 2019, Shaver Lake had a male to female ratio of 105.8:1 and 4.06% of residents were older than 65. The median income for Shaver Lake, CA residents was $4,586 per month.