Sloughhouse, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How to Find Out Population & Steets in Slooughhouse City, California

Sloughhouse City has a total population of 6,292, divided into two constituent neighborhoods. The median home value in Sloughhouse is $556,789, and the average household size is 2.36 people. The Sloughhouse CCD California population density is lower than the state and national average, but it still ranks above most other communities. The population density is lower than the median population density of the greater California area, but not by much.

Sloughhouse is a great place to raise a family, as the public school district is well-rated and the overall population is well-educated. Most residents live in single-family homes and have plenty of space for children to play. Sloughhouse has a low crime rate, which is a bonus for those considering moving here. Those who are interested in moving here should consider the number of available schools.

What is the Average Income in Sloughhouse? Listed below are some statistics about the median income for Sloughhouse residents. While the city is not particularly diverse in terms of race, it is diverse enough to have a high quality of life. The median home price and the median income are useful for finding affordable housing. Once you've determined the median income in Sloughhouse, you can compare it with the cost of living in other cities and towns in California.

Family size is a key indicator for any neighborhood in a city. Sloughhouse CCD has an average family size of 2.9 people. This is the second-smallest family size in the city, after Vineyard CCD. Compared to Rancho Cordova, Sloughhouse CCD has a significantly smaller average family size. The average family size is also smaller in Sloughhouse than in other nearby cities.