Snelling, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for information about the population and the steets of Snelling City, Minnesota, you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll look at the population statistics for the city, along with other local facts. While there are plenty of factors that determine the overall population in Snelling City, we'll focus on the population's size.

Snelling is a census-designated place in Merced County, California. The city is located on the north bank of the Merced River, 15 miles north of Merced. The elevation is 256 feet, and at last count, there were 231 people living in the city. The median age in Snelling City is 38.6 years, while the median age for males is 38.6 years.

The median household income in Snelling is $46,477. The racial makeup of the community is white, while Hispanic and Black residents are the two main ethnic groups. The median property value was $190,800, and 73.2% of households worked from home. The percentage of households that drove alone to work was 0.4% lower than the national average. In addition to car ownership, Snelling, CA residents are divided into two buckets: single-person households, and households with two cars.

The U.S. Census Bureau is another source of population data for Snelling. This government website allows you to look up the population of any town or city within 50 miles of Snelling, CA. Once you know the general population of Snelling, you can see what makes it unique. Consider living in the town for a few years to see how it changes. If you're looking to buy a home in the area, make sure you check out the housing market.