Tecate, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to find out the population of Tecate City, you should read the following article. You'll learn about the demographics and the most important facts about this Mexican city. You'll also learn about the local economy and where to find affordable housing. Population and steets statistics are reported by the National Statistical Institute (INEGI).

Population & Steets in Tecat City

The population of Tecate is approximately 68,040. The city is located on a spur of the Mexican Federal Highway 2 and is toll-free. There is a train service that passes through the city on a monthly basis, although it is currently suspended following a tunnel fire. Tecate's airport, which was once the second busiest in the State of Baja California, no longer operates. The nearest airport to Tecate is Tijuana International Airport.