Vandenberg Afb, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When it comes to the population of Vandenberg Afb City, California, you'll need to know where to begin looking. There are several different statistics available that will give you an idea of the people living in the area. For example, the 2010 United States Census reported that Vandenberg Afb had a population of 3,338. There were 140 races represented by the population, and 317 were Hispanic or Latino, or both.

The violent crime rate in Vandenberg Afb City resembles the rates for other areas of the city. While violent crime occurs in all areas of the city, it's higher in the northern part. The city has an average of eight violent crimes per year, while a comparatively low number of violent crimes happens in the southern part of the base. The overall rate of violent crime for Vandenberg Afb is 5.63 per 1,000 residents.

The earthquake rate in Vandenberg Afb City is significantly higher than the national average, and is 6356% higher than the state average. Santa Barbara County has had 31 natural disasters compared to 15 for the entire U.S. Those disasters were caused by drought, windstorms, and hurricanes. Vandenberg AFB is located in Santa Barbara County, California. You can visit the city by using the US Postal Service's official website.

If you're flying into the city from another location, you can take the 101 South. Exit at the Betteravia exit. You can then merge onto Hwy 135 (also known as South Broadway) and enter the city. By the way, you can also take the CA-1S (Vandenberg AFB).