Vernalis, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When it comes to the city of Vernalis, California, you're likely looking for population and steets data. While the city has a relatively small population, it's worth learning about how the city's residents stack up against the national average. The population of Vernalis is made up of 262 people, 134 of whom are male and 124 are female. The median age of residents is 32.7, and they have a high birth rate. The population of Vernalis is also home to 4,221 deaths and 9,606 births each year. While there are no official races for the residents of Vernalis, there are some notable differences between the city and the state average.

The median household income in Vernalis is $68,542 and the median individual income is $36,061. The average household is three-and-a-half people. There are 61 households per 1,000 people, and the median home value is $362,500. The median household size is 3.13. In addition, the population of Vernalis is expected to increase by 0.5% in the next five years. The majority of Vernalis residents are white, with an average household size of 3.13 people. A high school education is also required for all residents. Only 5% of residents have earned a master's degree, and 56% have dropped out.

The median household income in Vernalis City, California, is $38,060, which is below the national average and the average for nearby ZIP codes. Despite the high median household income, it doesn't mean that residents are poor. Those who earn less than average in Vernalis have more money in the bank. If you're looking for an affordable home, this is the place for you.