Wishon, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Want to know more about the population of Wishon City, California? Here is some information for you:

Crime in Wishon is generally higher than in neighboring cities. Crime rates in the southwest area of the city are higher than in the east. This is because the southwest area of the city has few retail establishments, and many crimes occur in blocks with few people. Crime rates in Wishon are much higher than average compared to the rest of California. Despite this, the city remains relatively safe compared to many cities in the United States.

The population of Wishon is based on the number of residents in the county. The primary zip code for Wishon is 93669. The population of Wishon is approximately 295 residents. In terms of school enrollment, Wishon County has 35,998 students. Of those, 9,008 attend nursery school, 52,319 attend elementary school, and 5,994 attend high school. The population of Wishon is older than the national median age, which is 38.1 years.