Yettem, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Yettem is very low compared to other nearby cities, but that doesn't mean it's not safe. The following table compares crime rates for Yettem with other cities of similar size. Each map includes information on the crime rate per 1,000 people and per day, allowing you to get a better idea of the safety level in Yettem. Crime rates are also compared to the state average for the city and overall population.

While the population of Raisin City and Kettleman City is similar, Yettem City is home to 100% Hispanic residents. Hispanics are generally classified as any race, so the city is not considered to have a particular racial makeup. However, a large population of Hispanics is indicative of a deteriorating economy. As a result, Yettem has low levels of crime.

There are a total of 431 people living in Yettem, California. This means that there are 2,817 residents per square mile. The median age of the population is 24.5 years old, lower than the US average of 34.9. The city has a median household size of 4.7 people, which is slightly higher than the US average of 2.6. There are also schools in Yettem. These listings are provided by Google Maps.