Allenspark, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for population & steets in Allenspark City? Then, you have come to the right place. Here you can find statistics on population and steets for Allenspark City, CO. Moreover, you can see which areas of the city have a high concentration of single people. In this article, we will discuss these facts and more. We hope you will find these numbers useful.

What are the racial makeup of Allenspark City? The population is made up of white, black, and Irish people. There are also people of German, Scandinavian, and Italian origin. Although English is the most widely spoken language in Allenspark, many residents also speak German/Yidish and Italian. The diversity of the population in Allenspark is impressive, and the diversity within it is highly regarded.

The population of Allenspark City, CO is 433. The median home value is $412,500, and 81% of residents own their homes. The median household size is 1.83. Those living in Allenspark, CO commute by car to work, with the average driving time of 33.3 minutes. Almost two-thirds of the population in Allenspark has a car, while 0.924% of residents live without one.

The town's history began with the early settlement of the area, which was dominated by ranchers and farmers. Gold fever returned in the early 1900s, and Clara Belle Mining and Reduction Co. attracted Omaha-based investors. The venture ultimately turned out to be a waste of money. Nonetheless, tourism in the area thrived, and the town's first post office application was filed on May 29, 1896.