Arboles, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Arboles, CO is a city in Colorado. The median age of its residents is 53.1 years. Foreign-born citizens are older, and native-born residents are younger. The median age was 56 years in 2018, and the median age in Arboles, CO has been decreasing since that time. In Arboles, CO, the majority of people are employed, with the majority of jobs being in sales, production, and education. In the city, the most common occupation is education instruction and library, with 21 people in this industry. Other occupations are also prevalent, including retail and wholesale trade.

The median income in Arboles, CO is $40,938 per year, which is less than the US average of $65,712 per person. The lowest paying occupations in Arboles, CO are in the service industry, which accounts for almost 20% of the city's total employment. Other high-paying occupations include health care and social assistance, professional, scientific, and technical services, as well as education and training.

In Arboles, CO, the median property value was $201,300 in 2019. That's down from the previous year's $224,000, and the homeownership rate was 82.2%. The median commute time for people living in Arboles was 28.4 minutes, and the average car ownership rate was two cars per household. This place has a lot to offer!