De Beque, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of De Beque, Colorado, is made up of 518 people. Of these people, 0.0% identify as Black or African American, 7.7% identify as Hispanic or Latino, and 2.6% identify as some other race. The city's ethnic composition is predominantly White (Non-Hispanic), although two or more races are represented in small numbers. There are approximately two hundred and fifty households in the city.

While the city is a small town, it is part of the larger Grand Junction metro area. The population of De Beque is estimated at 451 as of the 2000 census. The town is comprised of a grid of streets, including a historic downtown that contains a town hall, tavern, and several commercial establishments in historic buildings. Other buildings and businesses are located on surrounding streets, including a school and several churches.

Among the residents of De Beque, Colorado, the unemployment rate is 7.3%, based on those who are sixteen years or older. Similarly, 18.9% are employed by the government. The median household income is $65,750, and nearly 70 percent of the population works at home. The city's median age is 33.3 years, and the population has a higher education level than the national average.

The median income of residents in De Beque, CO is $65,750, a figure which is well above the state and national average. This is the highest per capita income of all Colorado cities. The median income of a family of four is $118,760, compared to the state's median income of $42,050. The city's income distribution is similar to the state average, with the highest-earning industries being Education and Health Care & Social Assistance.