Estes Park, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The current population and steets of Estes Park are listed below. The city has a total population of 5.55k people. The demographics are based on the American Community Survey, with most people in this town being White (Hispanic), while the rest are Two+ and Non-Hispanic. Interestingly, there is a relatively small percentage of Hispanic residents.

In 2010, the population of Estes Park City was 8,078 people. A census conducted in 2006 showed that there were about 2,541 households, with 17.6% under the age of eighteen. Twenty-five percent of households had one or two cars. The median age was 45 years old, and the median household size was two people. There were also 9.7% of single seniors living alone. The average family size was two, with males outnumbering females by 92.2 to one.

The number of homes for sale in Estes Park City is lower than last year and is 43% lower than the same time last year. However, home prices are higher in places with top-rated public schools, so consider that. Estes Park High School is ranked 100th in the state. Aside from its location, you should look for homes in an established neighborhood. Houses in this area should be well maintained and have ample parking space. If you want to live near nature and open spaces, you should check if the neighborhood is maintained.

The second wave of pioneer settlers arrived in the mid-1870s. The English soon began to lose their hold of the area, as the tide of prospectors swept across the mountains. Hunters, mountain climbers, and curious tourists continued to roam the area. Local settlers shifted their focus to farming and fishing, while subsistence ranchers began resorts and a tourism industry. Finally, the city's economy flourished on tourism, with 109 hotels, 14 bed & breakfast establishments, and 148 Trip Advisor restaurants.