Glade Park, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that the Glade Park City has a low crime rate? If you are interested in learning more about Glade Park City, you should read our article Population & Steets in Glade Park. You'll discover what makes Glade Park such a great place to live. Its population is made up of 0% single-male families, 0% couples and 0% families with children.

As a result, Glade Park has low crime rates, and few residents live near parks or major airports. Because crime is happening everywhere, this city may appear to have a higher crime rate than it actually is. Crime rates are higher in areas where people tend to gather - parks, beaches, and other recreational areas. Regardless of how safe a community is, crime will still occur.

The quality of life in a neighborhood is subjective. While some people prefer a walkable city, others like to be near amenities. Walking or bicycling is important to your daily activities. Make sure you check out the walkability of homes in the area. Many homeowners have trouble walking to work or grocery stores. If you'd like to have a more enjoyable lifestyle, a home in Glade Park will be close to the public transit station.

The median household income in Glade Park City is $22,723 - a little higher than the national average. The number of children below 18 is very low and one in four households in Glade Park City makes less than $10,000.