Grand Lake, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You might be interested in knowing the Population & Steets in Grandlake City, Colorado. The following information provides an overview of the city's population. Also, you'll find some important statistics. First, let's look at the housing situation in the city. How many people live in one of the town's homes? How many of them are renters? These statistics are available for Grand Lake City and its surrounding areas.

The overall unemployment rate in Grand Lake, CO is 1.7%, based on the percentage of people aged sixteen and older who are unemployed. There are approximately 4.5% government workers living in Grand Lake. The median household income in Grand Lake, CO is $69,167. There are about 63.9% of owner-occupied housing units, and 36.1% are rented. There are many places to live in Grand Lake.

The median age in Grand Lake City is 30 years old, and there is a ten-to-one male-to-female ratio. The median household income in Grand Lake, CO is $36,201. The percentage of households with at least one car is the highest, while the lowest is the false highest. According to the latest US Census, about 8.5% of residents have health insurance coverage.

The main shopping area in Grand Lake City is located near the intersection of 700 East and 2100 South. The town's streets are relatively wide, and the original settlers wanted them to be wide enough for wagon teams to turn around. The city is home to several historic parks. The overall population is significantly younger than the state average. While the county's median age is above the national average, the foreign-born population and Black race percentage are significantly below state average.