Karval, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the Population & Steets of Karval City? There is a lot of data to be found out about Karval City. Here is a quick summary of these statistics. You can even see how many crimes are committed per 1000 people in Karval. You can see which neighborhoods are safe, and which are unsafe. We will also give you the crime rate in Karval city by comparing crime rates of the major neighborhoods and the city as a whole.

Family Sizes: In Karval City, there are approximately 71% families per thousand people. This is one of the highest percentages of any place in the greater Karval CCD. Families make up a large part of the Karval CCD. The median age of Karval City is 31 years old. The median income for this city is $18,268 per capita. However, the median age is not quite as high as the national average.

Demographics: The ZIP code for Karval City is 80823. It has a population of 81223 people. The city is a part of the Karval School District No. Re 23. There are two elementary schools and a high school. This area has a low proportion of Native and Asian people. Those who have children in this area have the highest percentage of immigrants. And for those who are looking to settle down, Karval City is an excellent place to live.