Manassa, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Looking for population and steets of Manassa City? You can get this information from the city's Department of Economic Development. It maintains demographic data, economic indicators, and an overall business climate. For more details, see the official city website. Below are some demographics of Manassa City. Also check out these other articles and resources about the city.

The city's population was around 1,060 people at the 2010 census. The median household income in Manassa was $33,375. The area's proximity to the canal system and railroads made it a valuable trading center. Almost half of Manassas residents were single. In addition to that, the city's poverty rate was only 5%.

Poverty rates vary, but are typically around 9.6%. The median income in Manassa City is $60409. Families with an income under that amount are considered poor. The city's ethnicity breakdown is a little different than its overall population. Most people are White, followed by Hispanic, and then Hispanic. Other groups comprise a small percentage of the population.

Manassa City is located in northern Virginia. It is the home of Jim Webb, a senior United States Senator, and Mark Warner, a junior. The city's transportation system includes I-66 and US-29. Manassa Regional Airport is located within the city limits. It's easy to get to any of these places. If you're planning to move to the city, be sure to look for information on local schools and services.