Monte Vista, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You can easily find out more about Monte Vista City, CO demographics from the U.S. Census Bureau. The information is updated yearly, and you can rely on it for a general idea of the city's demographics. Here is a quick look at the city's racial makeup. The median house value is considerably less than the state average, and the percentage of hispanic and black residents is significantly higher. However, you must understand that this information is not perfect and is for informational purposes only.

The population of Monte Vista is about 95% Hispanic, which is slightly higher than the rest of the metro area. Compared to other cities in the area, Monte Vista has fewer people born outside the country than other cities. It is also about three-fourths the size of Colorado. There are a few neighborhoods with lower percentages of Hispanics, and the population density in Monte Vista City is higher than the state average.

Monta Vista's demographics reveal large groups of residents with similar interests. The average commute time is thirty to forty-five minutes one-way. More than half of the working population in Monte Vista is over forty-five years old, which is more than the U.S. average. This is a good sign for businesses and real estate buyers in the area. But it's also a good idea to check if Monta Vista's school district is well-regarded by the neighborhood's parents.