Parachute, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is a look at the Population & Steets of Parachute City, Colorado. The numbers come from the United States Census Bureau. The city is located in Jefferson County, CO. The most common racial or ethnic groups living in poverty are White, Hispanic, and Native Americans. The income thresholds are based on a family's total income, and those who live below these guidelines are considered to be in poverty. The most common occupations in Parachute are Construction & Extraction, Office & Administrative Support, and Sales - Related Occupations.

The median household income for Parachute, CO was $31,208 in 2016. There were 164 households in the city. The median income for males was $31,118, and the median income for females was $21,875. This indicates that the median household income is slightly higher than the state's average. The number of renter-occupied housing units is also higher than the average for Colorado. In contrast, neighboring cities such as Mancos and Steamboat Springs have significantly higher rent burdens. In Parachute, CO, 52.1% of households are renters, which is higher than the state average of 30.6%.

The median age of Parachute, CO residents was 32.8 years old. The average household income was $45,357. In 2018, the median household income was $15,717. In Parachute, CO, the most common foreign-born origin was Mexico. In 2019, there were 0 households that spoke a language other than English at home. The city is home to approximately 1.3k people.