Rangely, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know how many people live in Rangely City? Here's the population and steets breakdown. You can also learn how many evictions occurred in Rangely City last year. These are not unusual in this small city, as Rangely had 3 evictions in 2016.

As for the median age, the average Rangely resident is 34.6 years old. This means that the median age of the residents of Rangely is about 34 years old, and a median household income of $68,750. Rangely has a relatively low poverty rate, averaging around 3%. The population of Rangely is a diverse one. There are wealthy and poor people living in the city.

The city's population has fluctuated over the years, but this is not surprising given the economic growth the city has experienced. Although it has been slow to grow in the past, recent growth has increased public expectations and civic pride. As a result, many people are looking forward to seeing what the future holds. The Rangely master plan has already helped raise the community's expectations of continued growth. This, in turn, has created a sense of pride for the city.